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January's Books with Dienece

Writer's picture: Dienece DarlingDienece Darling

Updated: Jan 24

Hi, I'm Dienece!

My first name is an alternative spelling of Denise, and I'm a former Georgia Belle turned Aussie.

My only resolution this year was to knock down my TBR pile. To do that, I planned to get rid of my Kindle Unlimited subscription. And I was. I really was. I even hit the cancel button, then they asked if I'd like to keep it for only 99c for 3 months. Okay, so I'll revisit that in 3 months and try to cancel then. Oh, and I kinda added to my TBR pile with the Faith Books Free book blast last Friday, and then I bought a book by an old favourite author I'd never read before. Yeah, okay. This is why I don't make resolutions!

But I did read 6 of my TBR list, so it's not a total failure. At least, I'm saying it's not. Okay, confessions are over. Let's talk books!

Historical Romance

The Peasant King by Tessa Ashar

This was so fascinating!

I just loved reading about a Biblical time and location I'm not all that familiar with. It's about King Cyrus's rise to power through the eyes of displaced Jews who believe in God's prophecy of him. The characters and their occupations of scribe and weapons manufactory grabbed my attention. Plus, the way they travelled all over the mountains and into cities. It made the places come so alive.

I wasn't so sure about the Daniel side of things (I rather thought he never married), but the whole book was very interesting nonetheless. Loved the main couple, how they were together and their journeys.

Easy to read, intriguing, and uplifting.

A Thieving at Carlton House by Erica Vetsch

One of my TBR (to be read), although to be fair it only came in last month. Australia can be a little slow getting paperbacks in.

I enjoyed this book. I wasn't so sure, because I don't like reading books about reformed prostitutes. I never did finish the book where you first meet Pippa. But I stuck with this one for a few chapters and then found myself swept away. I read 3/4s of the book in one night! Only a paltry attempt at being a responsible adult sent me to bed at an hour I shall not disclose.

But back to my point, I wasn't sure about this book, and the first few chapters made me uncomfortable, but after a while I was hooked, well and truly hooked. This is a another 'long' romance. Meaning there are hints in this book, but the couple aren't together. It's a 3 book series, so their romance will unfold over the next two books. But I still really enjoyed this one and how the couple starts out.

On a personal note, my kid had been saying he was 'thieving' this or that. His dad and I didn't think that was a word. And then I realized, the title of the book I was reading had 'thieving' in it. So, I guess it is a word. LOL Not sure he was using it right, but it still amused me.

Becoming Lady Rodworth by Iris Lim

Another TBR

I enjoyed this short regency romance. A nice quick read. The girl is very pretty but she learns that being beautiful is not all it's cracked up to be when all people see of you is your pretty face. I loved this quote given to the hero who had to learn to see past her pretty face. "It is sometimes harder, is it not, to see a person's face when it lies beneath a glittering crown?"

Content warning: it got a little more amorous at the end then what I like to read but it stayed clean. This also discusses the infidelity of much of the gentry at the time, keeping it clean, but also pointing out enough that you know why the hero and heroine both want a true and faithful spouse.

The Duke's Refuge by Lorri Dudley

Another one knocked off my TBR pile!

I loved the setting for this Regency. She's off to a sugar cane island with plantations and slaves to nurse her sick father. She's been taught not to be herself by unkind relatives and society and must learn to appreciate the girl God made her. And the hero has some painful wounds to overcome as well. Add in some cute kids, some mention of the fight against slavery (not too heavy), and matters of faith, and it was a very enjoyable, unique regency romance.

The Baby and the Guardian by Danielle Grandinetti

Another TBR!

This is book 1, but there is a prequel which shares the story behind why the sheriff quit his job and ran off to the hills. You can probably read this as a standalone, but I'm pretty sure when you start to hear about what happened, you'll wish you'd read The Sherriff and the Outlaw. I just loved watching these two find their happily-ever-after.

She's the judge's secretary or receptionist--I forget her exactly position--but she finds herself tasked with guarding a baby in danger. The guy is the ex-sheriff who feels like he failed at his job. Now, he's got a possible murderer on the trail of the girl and the baby. Is he up to the task of keeping them safe? I really loved reading their happy ending.


The Trouble with Tulips by Emily Dana Botrus

A sweet brother's best friend, unrequited love story.

He has lots of issues after losing his mother and younger brother in a crash he feels responsible for. But she has her own problems. She doesn't think she's pretty or talented. She's just 'average,' and it turns out to be more crippling than you'd think. Then many of us would assume if we're honest when we have those thoughts.

They were sweet together, seeing how he falls in love, and how she learns to be happy with herself.

Content warning: he had a wild past where he tried many worldly things to easy his guilt and grief. He is also not walking with God when they first start dating.

The Loophole in Lilies by Emily Dana Botrous

I met the hero of this story in The Trouble with Tulips, and I just had to read it. Oh my, I cried and cried. It's a touching story. Yes, it has some heavy health issues, but it has faith too. When you read an Emily Botrous, she doesn't shy away from mistakes people make, but she does it to show you how to combat these things with faith. I love the faith elements of her stories.

The guy is a nurse, and he's worried about his health. She's running from failed relationships and trying to pretend all it fine in her world by cramming it full of stuff. She just can't say no. And he's afraid to trust God.

I loved this story. It was not an easy read, but it was a touching one.

Hunting the Witness by Kate Angelo

Oh, so good! I love a good romantic suspense, and this one has lots of twists and turns. I saw one of them coming, but not all of them.

She is a witness to a serial killer's interrupted crime. Then someone starts trying to kill her. Only she's lost her memory, and the guy who rescues her, looks familiar. Only she can't remember him, and he doesn't know her at all. How does she know him?

Finding the Road Home by Tina Radcliffe

Another TBR, yes!

I liked that this is about policemen (both the girl and the guy) and it's not a suspense. That was nice to read a quiet, sweet story about a couple in law enforcement without all the drama of a murder or kidnapping or something dramatic. She also just took on her sister's kids, all five of them. And the dude has got some control issues to work out, and she has some 'let people help you!' issues. It's a nice read, and the way the author worked out the ending really surprised me. Hadn't expected that, but I could also see why it was a good choice for the characters and their problems.

Dating the Best Man by Gail Sattler

I used to love Gail's books, and I haven't read her in forever. This book was a little heavy, but I read it in an afternoon. One quiet, enjoyable afternoon.

I knew within a few pages something big had happened, so I'll start with the trigger warning since it's not much of a secret and you'll know within the first few chapters. The girl was almost raped 6 months before, and there is a description of the scene. Not exactly easy reading, but I did enjoy how the guy helps her learn self-defence and slowly wins her trust.

I laughed a few times because the author goes on and on about how ridiculously tall the hero is, but he's only 6'4". My dad is 6'6", and he's not the tallest guy I know. So, that made me laugh as I'd pictured the dude as more 7" or something.

But otherwise, he's tall, dark, and handsome forest ranger who is gentle and kind. And she's a tiny sweetheart in need of care and self-confidence (which she does learn). Even with the heavy topic at the start, I still really enjoyed the read.

Kid's Fiction

Beneath the Swirling Sky by Carolyn Leiloglou

A TBR that I enlisted my kid to help me read (meaning I read it to him at bedtime). He didn't seem to mind too much. :)

I really enjoyed reading this story to my teenager. It might have been a little young for him, but the story of a kid who finds out he can go into paintings like it's a real world was a cool idea. I also really liked the last scene, where the guy talks about his 'gift' and what it will mean. But also what using his 'gift' means now, aka drawing with his little sister. Why did I love that so much? My teenager goes, 'Aw.' And then the next day, he spent hours playing with his little brother. Was this because of the book? I don't know, but I loved it.

Content warning: I got uncomfortable in one very brief scene because it talks about a masterpiece nude painting. The author used it to teach that maybe adults shouldn't be dismissive or blasé about nudity in historical paintings. That if a kid is uncomfortable, they shouldn't look at anything they don't want to. She explains this even more in her author's note where she shares ways to help kids learn to appreciate historic pieces of art without seeing the things they don't want to see. I highly recommend reading the author's note at the end.

Mice of the Herring Bone by Tim Davis

I read this to my youngest. It was one of my personal favourites as a kid, and his older brother liked it. My youngest not as much. It's his first chapter book that doesn't have very many illustrations, and he isn't overly familiar with pirate and shipping terms. Plus, my youngest is a dog person, and the dogs are the bad guys. I love cats, and cats were the good guys. So, that might also have something to do with it. :)

The story is about two mice who find themselves accidently on a pirate ship, and yes, cats are the good guys, even though they normally eat mice. Go figure that out. Anyway, it is a really fun read if your kid loves pirates and cats.


Book Mentions

I've read both of these! Emily writes strong, contemporary, Christian romances which are sweet, clean, and inspiring.

Content: I've found the following to be true of the four Botrous books I've read so far.

1. Has a strong faith arc. It's not nominal inspirational. There are real faith and real issues people struggle with.

 2. Has at least one MC who isn't walking with God but comes back to God (or to God for the first time) in the book.

3. At least one MC regrets sleeping around in the past, but the other is typically a virgin. The books are always clean.

4. Real people, struggling with relatable issues.

5. Fun, sweet romances, with strong tropes like brother's best friend or grumpy/sunshine.

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