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News from Dienece

Updated: Jan 14

Greetings from Cloudy Melbourne,

It's becoming a thing. Writing a newsletter when there are clouds over Melbourne. I swear, we do have sunny days. Oh, look! There is a splash of sunlight right now. Streaming through some rather dour looking grey clouds but looking fabulous all the same.

In case you missed the news, I placed third in the Florida West Coast Writer's Competition Inspirational Category. Thank you to everyone who wished me well and sent in their congratulations. Your support is a blessing.

Now, I've got special news for you!

If you missed my guest blog with Danielle Grandinetti, well, you can read it here But what's more than that, it wasn't just another plug for my free short story. I actually made an announcement near the end. Did you see it?

I'm releasing another free short story for subscribers!

It is connected to my current free short story, and this one sets up the prequel novella to my series. Plus, it's a romance this time!

Now, it's not finished, so you'll have to wait for a bit. I plan to release it, Lord wiling, in December, my little Christmas present to you. :)

Want to know more?

Freeing Defeat is set in London 1763.

Julia Townsend loves the glitter and romance of London balls, and the allure of several titled gentleman paying her particular attention. But her father drags her along to hear one of those dreadful Methodist preachers. What does her father see in a church building that used to be a foundry, where they are forced to sit with the poor like common people? What will her friends say when they hear? What will the gentlemen vying for her hand think, and who is that intriguing man talking with her father?

But, most importantly, is God worthy of Julia's all?

As mentioned, Freeing Defeat is a romance, and there is a cameo of the heroine from the prequel novella. In fact, the couple in this story are minor characters with a big impact in 3 of the stories in my series.

So, brace yourself to meet some of the great influencers in my series Life is Delightfully Confusing.

Now, I had better take my leave of you for I have much to write and so little time (How are we in June already?). Until next time,

God Bless,

Dienece Darling

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